Contains over 200 different compounds such as selenium, germanium, allicin, 17 amino acids, 33 organosulphur compounds, vitamin B1, B2, B3, C and more.

Suggested  use:-  Take 2 tablets twice a day, before a meal.
                             Chldren 4-12 years: 1 Tablet daily.
                             Children 13 & above: 1 Tablet daily

Unit Contains:      100 Tablets (1 Bottle)
Each Tablet:         Ginkgo Biloba dry extract 40mg
                             Children 4-12 years: 1 Tablet daily

Ginkgo Biloba Leaf:   “The Living Fossil”

1. Flavonglycosides
Helps to dilate the blood vessels, maintain permeability in tiny vessels, acts as an antioxidant, to eliminate free radicals and to prevent cancers.

2. Terpene Lactones
Prevents platelets from clumping, avoid blood clotting, improves circulatory problems, and to treat asthma.

This natural health supplement is an extract from the famous leaf Ginkgo Biloba. Ginkgo biloba is also known as The living fossil.
Ginkgo Biloba is the world's longest surviving tree species and can grow up to the height of 120 feet, and is capable of surviving up to 1000 years.

The Yeeginkgo tablet is a natural health supplement and is a traditional herbal preparation and has been clinically proven with effectiveness in blood circulation and memory enhancement.

Ginko is used in many herbal alternative supplements to help with increased blood flow to the genitals. Recent evidence indicates Ginkgo biloba extract appears to be effective in the treatment of erectile dysfunction caused by the lack of blood flow to the genitals. If you are using Ginko Biloba for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, select a product that is standardized to contain twenty-four percent ginkgo heterosides (flavonglycosides).
Take 40 to 80 mg three times a day for long-term therapy. At least twelve weeks is usually necessary before you see results.


    Supply nutrient and oxygen to every single cell meanwhile collect all wasted  products
        to eliminate from body.
 Ginkgo biloba leaf is more powerful than Vitamin E in protecting  fatty nerve tissue
        from free radical damage
Ginkgo promotes better blood circulation, prevents platelet from clumping
Increases blood flow to the brain throughout the body's network of blood vessels.
Helps with the Memory and high retention power.
Boosts oxygen level increasing metabolism efficiency.
Keeps a cholesterol check.
Provides treatment for infertility in males or impotence.
Regulates neurotransmitters.
Helps control the transformation of cholesterol to plaque associated with the hardening of arteries.
Prevents damage of skin and other skin disorder.

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